Full on the First

Taken from another Direct Sales Leader:

So, let’s talk about, Full on the First, and define exactly what it means with this example…

If your monthly party goal is 10, and this is December, then by January 1st, you make sure that you have 10 January parties on the books. To manage this concept even better, make sure that you have half your parties booked for next month by the 15th of the current month. In our example, you would have at least five January parties booked by December 15th. Now that you understand the concept of Full on the First, let me give you 10 reasons why to implement this into your direct sales business.


1. Start your month ahead of the game instead of behind!

2. You can better predict your results and plan your income. You aren’t running your business “by chance” and “hoping” for the best.

3. Opens the door for extra bookings and parties! So not only are you able to reach your monthly goal, you now have an increased opportunity to exceed your goal.

4. Relieves pressure to “book right now” and reduces stress! You are no longer scrambling the last week of the month to hit your sales goal.

5. Changes your perspective on cancellations and re-schedules. We all know that life happens and not every party booked holds on the original date. When you are Full on the First and encounter a cancellation or reschedule during the month, you simply need to replace that booking rather feel overwhelmed by the increase in the bookings that you still need.

6. When you are Full on the First, you have ample time to connect with your Hostess and party plan properly. This means, bigger and better parties!

7. If you are a leader, you lead by example. You show that you have a full calendar to your team and also you now have plenty of party shadow opportunities.

8. If you are looking to rank up, you can predict your team sales at the beginning of the month rather than wondering how your team will perform during the month. You create habit and culture within your team.

9. Full on the First is a system that is easily duplicable. We all know that the key to success in network marketing is implementing successful systems that are duplicable.

10. Last, but not least, having a full calendar on the first day of the month increases confidence. This is especially important for new and part-time consultants who can easily become discouraged when they don’t have bookings. Looking at one’s calendar on the first day of the month, and seeing the number of parties booked equally the goal is a great feeling, and when a consultant feels good about her business, she shares her business more and she feels confident!
