Increasing Engagement on Facebook

You might have heard people talk about engagement/interaction on their social media.

Typically on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc), the platform rewards accounts with higher interaction by showing their posts to more people.

Let’s chat about Facebook. With Facebook, when your posts constantly have several likes and comments, Facebook sees that people value your posts and want to see them. Their algorithm then shows your posts in more of your friends + fans’ news feeds.

This is why it’s important to share posts that are fun + and add value to your customers + followers. You want to ask fun questions that they can quickly answer, so their engagement will help boost your sales posts when you share those!

We have 180+ Engagement Graphics that are branded just for The Royal Rockstars Team! These are perfect to download and post one a day in your group or on your business page to increase your engagement!

You can download a month’s worth of posts and schedule an entire month of post in less than 30 minutes!

How to schedule posts in your Facebook Group

How to schedule posts on your Facebook Business Page
