Posts in Business
Go Live

Going live can be one of the best + fastest ways to grow your customer base + business!

Learn step by step how I go live to rock out my business!

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Recruiting Academy

Growing your team through recruiting is the quickest way to increase your paycheck! It is also FUN and rewarding to help others find their potential and passion with Paparazzi! Through the Royal Rockstars Recruiting Academy, you will learn step by step how to grow your team, your paycheck and your business! You’ll be able to repeat this traning over and over again!

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Hostess Coaching

When you hostess is inviting her guests, I HIGHLY recommend inviting MULTIPLE ways. Why? Because some ways reach more people but others are more personal. So, I will send a text, paper invitations, and make a facebook event for the hostess to invite her friends with. Each of these take only a few seconds to put together, but will make a HUGE difference in the number of guests that show up the night of the party.

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