How to Throw the Best Live Facebook Party

1. Follow the steps to get ready in the How to Prepare for a Facebook Live party.

2. Most consultants use their phone to Go Live, but you can use a computer or tablet as well. Be sure to explain how the party works on the top of your video and in your video!

You can also use if you want to do it from your desktop.

Live Description Example:

$5 Jewelry Sale!

Comment sold and the number to claim

Share this video for a chance to win 2 free pieces

Shipping 1 to 2 items is $3, 3-9pieces $4, 10+ pieces is $6.50

3. Be sure to be family picture ready!

4. Give instructions in your video and welcome each person that comes on, tell them hi! Get them talking, be fun! Say I am going to hold up a piece of jewelry, comment sold and then the number. First person to comment sold on my screen gets it! Tell them to message you their email and mailing address on Facebook messenger. Let them know you will send them an invoice and ship the jewelry once paid!

5. Be sure you are booking parties and recruiting in your video. Say something like, "This is just so much fun! If you book a party, you get x amount of free pieces just for hosting and 1 for every ten sold! It is so easy! The first two people to book a party get a free mystery piece!"

"I have the best job! I get to work from home. I had a party last week and sold 40 pieces! I made $100 in 3 hours! Be honest when you tell how many pieces you have sold.

How to Prepare for Live Facebook Party

1. Decide how many pieces you are going to show. I recommend showing as many as you can. I sell around 50 pieces if I show 100 items and I have sold 96 pieces when I showed 150 pieces! It has been proven that the more pieces you have and show, the more people will buy!

2. Consultants have used many things to hold their phone to Go Live when they first get started, but we recommend buying a tripod to hold your phone for the live video. Amazon is a great place to find one.


3. It is very important to have great lighting for your video. Choose a spot in the house that has the most lighting. If necessary, add lamps to the area to brighten it up. You will sell more if they can see the sparkle of the jewelry. Ring lights and umbrella lights are the most commonly used. Example:

4. Some consultants use sticker labels to number the jewelry, some use Permanent markers, some print off numbers and get them laminated and others buy numbers to show alongside the jewelry as they show it.

Whatever you choose, make sure you have your jewelry numbered, so you are ready to go!

5. I use baskets from dollar tree or walmart to hold customers orders during my party. I use Index cards and write the Customers name on it and then put the name card in the basket during the Live video. As each customer comments on items I put them in the cart with the customers name. After the Live show, or whenever you are ready to invoice your customers, you just count the items in the cart and send the invoice for those items.

6. Organza bags are a great way to protect jewelry that you have unpackaged to show. Click here for an example: Feel free to shop around for best prices.

7. Get a jewelry bust or a mannequin to show off your necklaces. This will help your customers see how it looks. In some cases it may make sense to wear it to show it off!

8. Posting a Pre-Live reminder that you’re going Live at a certain time is a fantastic idea. Post a collage or a few pictures of items you will be showing and get some interaction ahead of your Live. This usually will help more people see you when you Go Live!

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