Why Laughter is Good for Business

Did you know that laughter can be a business strategy? That’s right!

Building a thriving business is really about building great relationships. One great way to build relationships is to make others laugh!

The bible tells us that laughter is good medicine. Did you know that laughter relieves stress in our bodies for up to 45 minutes after a good laugh? And because laughter lowers our stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, it actually helps us fight these yucky winter viruses. Cool, right! 

Laughter isn't just good for your health, it's also good for business!

Laughter helps people relax and connect with each other. Laughter builds friendship and trust between people. Laughter can even help defuse conflict. When we can manage to look at the funny side of a problem, it can give us a perspective and enable us to move on from confrontations without holding onto resentment.

Laughter has been one of the best ways to build relationships with others as I build my business. I get people to laugh just because I laugh at myself. I post funny selfies and sometimes I laugh a LOT while I'm selling jewelry on a Facebook Live.

When something unexpected happens in life, you can either get frustrated or laugh about it. Often these mistakes and struggles we have, they actually make really funny stories when we choose to see the humor in them. Go ahead and share something silly that you’ve done and let others laugh with you over it!

If it's not your natural personality to laugh a lot, that's okay. You may have a dry sense of humor and your secret sauce might be to find and share snarky memes. Just make sure that the memes you share are tasteful and not derogatory or mean. Go out there and make people smile this week.

Build your business with laughter this week and see how much more optimistic you will feel, too!