How to Build Your Personal Brand 


You will want to have a quality personal brand. You will need to build your personal brand in order for people to trust you and like you enough to buy jewelry from you!

Personal branding is the practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands. … Personal branding is essentially the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual, group, or organization. (Source)

Make Your Facebook Posts Public

Did you know that when you post things on your FB profile as public your exposure is greatest?

Public setting means anyone can see it and that's what we want.

We want anyone world wide to be able to see your sales and sponsoring posts. So what happens when your post is set to public? Anytime someone likes or comments on it, it shows on THEIR friends news-feed as "(insert their name) just liked/commented on (insert your name)" and BOOM! Your posts are now being seen by a completely different audience outside of the people you are just friends with. 

This is how Andrea Hutcheson expanded her audience to what is now. When she joined Paparazzi, she only had less than 50 friends on Facebook... By 2018, Andrea was maxed out with 5K FB friends and 4K people following her.

You can get there, too! Public posting is key to maximum exposure.

Are you building a networking business online and want a Profile that ATTRACTS the right people to you!?

It's all about building credibility, relatability and likeability!

The 5 easiest changes to make sure your profile is set up properly

1) Have your best Profile Photo of YOU!

❌ Not groups, kids, cats, sunsets, products

✅ Smile, make it high quality and recent

2) Upload a cover photo that helps brand you!

❌ No company pics 

✅ Inspirational is generally best

3) Fill out your Intro section!

❌ Don't be in your face salesy

✅ Create curiosity with some catchy real life info

4) Complete your About info!

❌ Don't list your Company

✅ This will help people get to know you and build rapport first before they go to google 😘

5) Activate your Followers button!

❌ Having a private page restricts potential prospects and new connections

✅ Go to settings and change Who Can Follow Me to public...while you're at it Edit the Public Post Comments

Let's Recap:

💛Be Sure Your Settings Are Set To public to get the maximum amount of reach as possible. 

💛Be Sure your profile picture is a cute picture of your smiling face. 

💛Make your cover photo, something you love such as Family, inspirational, quote, or a favorite vacation spot.

💛Edit your description.. include a few words that describe you, use emojis for bonus points! 

💛Set Up your featured photos, make them 5 things you love! This is where you can add your God, traveling, kids, planners, makeup, etc. Featured photos. You can add up to 5 featured photos. You don't have to use all 5 spaces. Just you need to at least have 1. This is a snap shot of you and your business. Have your spouse or kids take a picture of you "working". Or prop your phone up and set the timer to take the picture for you. These are called staged promo pictures.

💛Set up your “about me” section! Short. Sweet. And to the point. It can be a motivational quote. Or something about you. Include your website here as well. Many people don't want to ask for your website. They should be able to go to your page and find it very easily.

💛Set Up your business page! (This is a great tool to have, and you can link it to where you work! Never say Paparazzi Accessories corporate for where you work because then you are sending people to another consultants site!) if you don’t know how to do a business page it’s a few simple steps you can google:). 

💛Pick a business name. Set up all your social media platforms with that same name including your business email. This takes a tad bit of time checking to make sure each social media account and email address has that name available, but it's worth it. Think or Walmart. All of their accounts are named Walmart. That's what you want; 1 name across the boards. (Be creative, and remember your url cannot have Paparazzi in it, social media’s is fine, but rather be creative)

💛Clear out the junk. You're a business owner now 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 go through and look at the pages you liked. You'd be surprised at things you "liked" from years ago. Believe it or not, some people will see you liked something they the against and not buy or join with you. Any inappropriate pictures I would delete and un-tag yourself from. Remember this is your place of business, it needs to be a professional space.

💛Start adding friends, I recommend adding friends of friends that you have at minimum 10 mutual friends in common with. (I don’t like to you use the “recommend friends”, because I feel like it just gives me other consultants. So I actually click on my non-consultants friends friends lists and add anyone women with 10 or more mutual friends in common with me)

**Always Remember Your Facebook Profiles Are Now Your Business Storefront. 

  • -What do you want people to feel when they come to your page?

  • -What things do you the most? Share not only Paparazzi but your passions with your viewers 

  • -What Do you want people to see on your page? 

  • -What do you want them to experience when they come to your page.

Keep those questions in mind when you post content. Trust me when I say, people watch everything you do and say. People will not buy or join if you aren't taking your business serious. Pull up your FB on your app and go to your page. Don't scroll.

Someone should be able to go to your FB profile and see off the bat that you are a business owner without having to scroll through your posts.

It's no longer a place to throw up random content. This is your Storefront, keeping it clean, uplifting, positive, refreshing, educational, of value, entertained, etc... will definitely keep new customers and prospects walking through the door:) .

When it comes to social media marketing, there is so much to know - times are always changing, new algorithms, different platforms, multiple apps - it can feel overwhelming at times!

In reality, when broken down, all that matters is the...

The A B C's of Personal Branding

💥Authenticity, 💥Branding, and 💥Consistency.

If you can stay true to these three, then you can grow organically on social media regardless of all the constant changes.

Authenticity: Be you! Be genuine! When everyone else is copying and pasting and recycling the same posts - be different and unique - Stand out.

Branding: Stay at the top of everyone's mind - be memorable. What makes you, you? What do you love? Brand yourself around that! To take it a step above, create a logo or a name that people can use to identify you.

Consistency: Show up daily. Want to break through the noise of all the people on social media? Be consistent. Consistently provide value, consistently answer questions, consistently educate.

Out-value your competitors!

💫Branding Post💫

Now is a great time to post something that reflects YOU ♥ This is called branding. 90% of your non-business posts should be something from your personal brand. If you already know what your personal brand is, then go post something that fits your brand :)

If you don't know what your brand is, here is a quick tutorial:

Pick 5 nouns that represent how you want people to see you. These should be aspects of the best version of yourself, things you love, things you know about it, things you enjoy doing, things that you want to share with others.






For example mine are God/ministry, jewelry, makeup, travel, fashion. Do not use adjectives or describing words such as "kind, happy, inspirational, funny, smart." Do not overthink your list or take longer than 10 minutes to pick 5 words. Brands always evolve, so you can change it later.

Here are more examples in case you are drawing a blank:



Single life



Healthy living










